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zxcvm, zxcvm.

Most people can. So either you have a problem or your laptop does.

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Q: Why cant tape z x c v m on laptop keyboard?
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How do you play Wallace and gromit for keyboard?

c b(sharp) a c b(sharp) a and i cant remember anymore soz

What knows its a b c's but cant see?

A keyboard knows its "a b c's" (letters) but cannot see.

Where is middle c on the keyboard?

the answer to that would be....... middle c is roughly in the center of the keyboard here is a diagram to help:

How do you remember where the c is on the keyboard?

The way most people remember the letter 'c' on the keyboard is that it is on the left of the two black keys

What note does a keyboard start with?

the first note on a keyboard starts with the letter 'C'

What is the guide for fixing the keyboard key?

Take it easy, first make sure that your laptop is within the warranty period. If it is not, you can fix it by yourself. You can search the information by Google, here is one,a guide to replace individual keyboard keys: If you do not want to fix it by yourself, you can buy a new one on eBay or here:

What are Laptop Computers?

Laptop computers are portable personal computers. Like desktop computers, laptops contain a display and a full keyboard. However, instead of a mouse, most modern laptops' tracking devices are touch pads. For power, laptops use A/C adapters as well as a rechargeable and replaceable battery. Full-sized laptops feature a full-sized QWERTY keyboard. Notebooks, another type of laptop computer, are smaller, lighter and less powerful than full-sized laptops. Other laptop types include tablet PC's and rugged laptops.

What is the C nearest the center of a piano keyboard called?

middle c

What is the C scale on the keyboard?

C major = C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C.

What is the first key on a musical keyboard?


You want to create a backup of your C drive named as C Drive Backup and write the data to a new tape named C Drive?

ntbackup backup c:\ /j "C Drive Backup" /n "C Drive Backup Tape"

What are the notes for playing braveheart on keyboard?

e g a c' b c'