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Binary is the simplest way to represent information. Binary has two states, high and low. It's pretty easy to distinguish between two states. If you tried something more complex, like a trinary (low, middle, and high) you would have two boundaries to worry about, which could be hard to distinguish between. For example, a binary system could define 1 to be (near) 5V and 0 to be (near) 0V. You don't have to distinguish between 2.45 V and 2.55 V, just close to zero or close to 5. Or it could be magentized Left-to-Right or Up-to-down. You don't have to worry about is it 40 degrees or 50 degrees off.

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14y ago

Computers use a binary number system -- which consists of only two digits, 0 and 1 -- because they run on electricity. At any given point in an electrical system, at any given time, current is either flowing (a state that represents 1) or it is not (a state that represents 0). All things done by a computer are done electrically, and must therefore be expressed by zeros and ones. In computer terms, each zero or one is called a bit. A string of eight bits is called a byte. A thousand bytes is a kilobyte, and a thousand of those is a megabyte, and a thousand of those is a gigabyte, which brings the lowly zeros and ones into a realm we can understand.

The power of the computer is not its ability to work in complex number systems. It is its ability to do the very simplest of things thousands, millions, or even billions of times a second.

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16y ago

Basically it is because they use only two states of electrical energy as the method of storing and manipulating information. ON or OFF. Charge or No Charge. Plus voltage or Minus voltage, etc. If you only have two states to deal with, by definition it has to use the binary system, in which all values are defined by two digits, 0 and 1. also where "digital computer" comes from.

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15y ago

It doesn't have to be, in the beginning there were attempts on using other formats, including analog. But it turned out that binary digits were simpler, cheaper and more reliable to work on.

For example, consider using decimal digits (0-9) instead of binary (0-1): The electronics, storage etc. would need to be able to separate 10 different values rather than just 2 (on or off), so each circuit would need more fine tuning. In return, you could store 3.5 binary digits' worth of information in a single decimal digit, and would need less electronics.

In the beginning it wasn't obvious which way would be better, but the binary digit format won. It was the easiest to operate on and to send through cables without loss, and the savings and extra reliability from needing less fine tuning was more important than the disadvantage of needing more transistors.

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15y ago

Because information is transmitted through wires using electrons, every time an electron passes through a wire, it is counted as a "1", and every time an electron is not sent through the wire, it is counted as a "0".

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9y ago

Because each element in the computer's magnetic memory can be magnetised or not magnetised. This can be done by having the current on or off. It may be possible to vary the voltage into ten levels so that different levels represent the digits 0 to 9 but such a method is much more prone to data degradation.

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10y ago

That is simply how digital computers operate. They operate by turning signals on and off on wires. So there is a wire or circuitry for each bit of data, and the range of data doubles for each wire (or bit) added. For instance, 2 circuits would represent 4 possibilities, but 3 circuits would represent 8 possibilities.

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14y ago

because that is the only language it can understand. It cannot understand our language so it uses binary

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9y ago

Because - even the most modern computers rely on electronic switches. A switch is either on (1) or off (0). The binary number system uses just the digits 1 & 0.

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7y ago

Because... they use billions of internal electronic 'switches'. A simple switch can either be on (1) or off (0).

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Q: Why does a computer use Binary number System?
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First computer to use binary number system?

The first computer to use the binary number system was probably the Z1, started by Konrad Zuse in 1936. It was a mechanical computer, not fully programmable, but is still considered a computer.

What base system does a computer use?

Computers are based on a binary number system.

What are number systems use in computer to store data and perform calculations?

Binary number system ,which has only two digits 0 and 1.

What is the advantage of having the binary number system to represent data inside the computer instead of the decimal number system?

They use the binary sysem because the number 1 means the switch is turned on and the number 0 means the switch is off. There is no way to use the decimal number system.

What numbering system do computer use?

They use the binary code (1010101011001100)

What is the difference between a number system and a binary system?

A binary system is a special type of a number system. The binary system uses only two digits, other number systems use more.

Why all digital devices use binary number system?

The binary number system inside the electronics of a computer is generally represented by a high or a low voltage, a charged or uncharged capacitor, or sometimes even a switch that is on or off. That these electronics are generally in either one or the other state, the binary system is the simplest.

Why binary number system used in digital system?

They are the best numbers for computers to use. In simple terms, as computers are electronic they use electronic currents, which can be on or off, like a light switch. 1 and 0, which are the only digits binary has, can be used to represent these two states. Binary forms the basis to all computer memory and operations.

How do you use binary in a sentence?

The equation was based on the number 2 or the binary numeration system.

Do computers use the decimal number system to store data?

No, they use the binary system