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Adding machines have rounding features, so that answers are rounded to the number of decimal places set by a switch. Typically you set anywhere from 0 to 6 decimal places.

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Q: Why don't I get the same answer when I calculate the percentage on a calculator as I do on a adding machine?
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Who invented the first adding calculator machine?

The first adding calculator machine was invented by Blaise Pascal.

What is an adding machine?

An adding machine is a mechanical or electromechanical calculator which could perform addition and subtraction.

Who invented the adding calculator machine?

The adding calculator machine was invented by William Seward Burroughs who was born in Rochester. This invention came into existence in 1886.

What is the adding machine used for?

The adding machine is actually a calculator. but in the mid 1642's it was called an adding machine. it was used to help with mathimatics

What did William seward burroughs invent?

The adding machine and the calculator

Keys set up like an adding machine or calculator?

numeric keypad

How was the calculator invented?

In the ninth century, the Chinese used an abacus to calculate numbers. It used beads strung on sticks to manually add. French mathematician Blaise Pascal invented an adding machine in 1642 that used gears to add numbers. The first successful adding machine was invented in 1886 by William Burroughs; it cost $475. The first handheld calculator was invented by Texas Instruments in 1966.

What is leibniz's calculator?

Leibnizs calculator is simply an improsive version of the adding machine.This machine could perform multiplication and division as well.Talking about the history of a machine it was invented by a German mathematician Gottifried

Who invented the adding machine?

In 1642 Blaise Pascal invented the pascaline, the first adding machine using gears, to help his father calculate taxes. William Seward Burroughs invented a different kind of adding machine in 1885.

Who is J.H. Muller?

all i know he is responsible for improving the adding machine, which i think was first made by Leibnitz called the Leibnitz calculator

In 1642 the first mechanical calculating machine was invented by?

The adding machine was invented by a nineteen-year-old French boy named Blaise Pascal way back in the year 1642. Called the pascaline, it was the first mechanical calculator that used gears. He invented it to help his father calculate taxes.A different machine was invented by William Seward Burroughs in 1885.

Which machine could add and subtract number?

The calculator is the most common machine to add and subtract numbers. Computers are also very good at this and are adding and subtracting for us all the time.