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Because balsa wood is much lighter

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Q: Why is a cubic meter of balsa wood is more buoyant than a cubic meter of oak?
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About how many cubic yards are in a cubic meter?

The meter is a bit more than a yard, so a cubic meter will have a bit more than a cubic yard in it. The cubic meter is actually about 1.30795 cubic yards, so since we're just doing a "ball park" estimate, our guess that a cubic meter is about the same as a cubic yard is only off a bit. A cubic meter is about 1.3 cubic yards if you wish to get a bit more specific.

Why is a heavier a cubic meter of steel than a cubic meter of wood?

A cubic Meter of Steel is heavier than a cubic meter of wood because Steel is more dense than wood therefore there is more of it in the same cubic area. But if you compare a pound of wood to a pound of steel they will in fact be the same weight. :op

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concrete 2400 Kg/m3aluminun 2712 Kg/m3

What is one cubic foot more less same one cubic meter?

less ... much less more than 27 cu ft in one cu meter

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The lead is more dense. Just so you know the volumes listed before each material are irrelevant - each one theoretically has a constant density no matter how much of it there is.

How do you convert from newton cubic meter to cubic meter?

You can't - you cannot convert from one one unit to another and eliminate one or more dimensions as you do so.

What is 4 cubic meter's weight?

It would depend on the contents of the cubic meter, 4 cubic meters of air would not have a measureable weight, and 4 cubes of sand/gravel would weigh considerably more.

How many liters of water in one cubic meter?

There are 1000 liters of water in one cubic meter.

How many bags of cement in one cubic meter?

It would depend on how big the bag of cement is. 1 foot bags will be more in the cubic meter than 2 feet.

What weighs more a metric ton or a cubic meter of water?

I think they are the same.

How much does one cubic meter weigh?

The weight of one cubic meter can vary depending on the substance being measured. For water, one cubic meter weighs approximately 1000 kilograms (or one metric ton). However, for other materials like concrete or steel, the weight of one cubic meter will be different.

How do you convert 1 cubic meter to 1 tons?

To convert 1 cubic meter to 1 ton, you need to know the density of the material. The density of the material will determine the mass (weight) of the 1 cubic meter. Once you have the density, you can use the formula: mass (in tons) = volume (in cubic meters) x density (in tons per cubic meter) to get the conversion.