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I'ts the most efficent method to the technology used today, everything is reduced to a 1 or a 0 which equates to a switch - voltage on or voltage off. A processor is fundementally millions of switches. It more than two options were use for example 10 for binary, a resistor would have to be used instead and the lack of accuracy would cause corruption.

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13y ago

To represent any data, we need to distinctly represent each of the 'data' parts. For such a representation, we can simply use the 0 or 1. that is true or false, or yes or no.

  1. This kind of representation can be used to create longer and more complex representation of any form of data(numbers, characters, codes, special characters) This is done by representation such data by writing these bits together in parts of 8 or 16 to represent normal data like characters etc.
  2. further, such data itself can be combined in longer chains of continuous bits to represent anything in a computer based system. Like characters join together to make words, and they join together to make paragraphs and some sense.
  3. It is also physically possible to save on a memory medium, transport data, compute and process on these bit forms directly. Everything and anything done on a computer will ultimately be worked upon at the lowest level in bit forms.
  4. Electronics are involved in such systems. They can only work on such logic. ON of OFF, like electric signals. Thus we need the binary system.
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Q: Why is all data scored in a computer in binary form?
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What data does the computer record?

Computers record data in the form of "bits", Binary Digits.

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It is stored in binary, that is in the form of ones and zeroes.

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Data is internally represented in binary form in what we call machine language.

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Because binary (0 or 1) is the only format that the computer can understand. A transistor is either off or on. There is no other state.

What is data interrogation?

A bdat file is a binary data file. It contains data that is not in the form of text. The data is encoded for the purposes of computer storage and processing.

What is a bdat file?

A bdat file is a binary data file. It contains data that is not in the form of text. The data is encoded for the purposes of computer storage and processing.

What is binary form in computer?

First we have to know that "in which form data is stored on computer is logical" (may be the two stable states of a flip-flop, two positions of an electrical switch, two distinct voltage or current levels allowed by a circuit) According to computers Binary form means 0 or 1, through which data in computer is stored to represented

Why is data store in a computer in binary form?

because it is the only language a computer understands. The computer can only tell if a switch is on or off, and that is represented by a 1 or a 0

10011 is the binary number system way of writing what?

Binary Number System represents the way Computer understands the instructions or data. Binary is the primary way humans can save data in Physical form, such as Land & Pits on Optical Media (CDs or DVDs).Computer interprets these binaries (collectively as BYTES - 8 bits) as instructions or data to perform its functions.So Binary system is the method of writing instructions & data for Computers.

What does bin stand for?

Bin is short for bianary. A binary file (commonly, but not necessarily, with the extension .bin) is a computer file which may contain any type of data, encoded in binary form for computer storage and processing purposes

What is data in binary form?

a virus i think

What is full form of byte in computer?

8 bits