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Q: Why was Charles babbages difference engine important?
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Related questions

How does Charles Babbages computer work?

by his fingers

When was Charles babbages computer built?

The Analytical Engine (his only machine that was programable) has never been built.

Who invented the analytic engine and the difference engine?

Charles Babbage

What is Charles Babbage difference engine?

The Difference engine is a engine that Charles tried to build 1850-1859, it was to be used to calculate logarithmic tables.

Who invented the difference Engine and Analytical engine?

Charles Babbage

What is the first computers purpose created by Charles Babbage?

difference Engine

Who made the difference engine?

Charles Babbage

The inventor of difference engine?

Charles Babbage

What was the name of Charles Babbage computer?

The 'difference engine'.

Were did Charles Babbage invent the difference engine?


What two things did Charles Babbage invent concerning computers?

The Analytical Engine and The Difference Engine

What was the name of the computer that charles Babbage invented?

The 'Difference Engine' - it was a mechanical calculator.