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The only situation where it will not add weight is if both of these is true:

  1. The bucket is completely filled to the brim with water before you add the ball.
  2. When you add the fully inflated ball, it floats freely in the water after the overflow of water stops.

In the above case, the weight of the displaced water (the water that overflows) is equal to the weight of the freely floating ball. There is no net gain in weight. If the bucket is not initially full to the brim, or if the ball rests on the brim of the bucket without floating freely, then the ball will add weight.

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Have you ever drawn water from a well and felt that the bucket of water is heavier when it is out of the water?

No, I haven't. But, when the bucket is in the water, the weight is supported by the water in the well. Once the bucket is raised out of the water, the weight is no longer supported, and the full weight of the bucket and the water within the bucket is felt as it is raised towards the surface.

About how much water does a bucket hold?

It depends on the bucket size, but usually a standard size bucket would hold a few litters of water.

If you put a five pound fish in a gallon of water does the water now weigh fifteen pounds?

A gallon of water weighs about 8.34 pounds. If you have a good sized bucket with a gallon of water in it and you put a 5-pound fish in the bucket, you'll have a bucket that weighs about 13.34 pounds (plus the weight of the bucket). That's as long as the bucket doesn't overflow. The fish will (usually) be neutrally bouyant in the water, and it will be essentially weightless in that water. But its weight will add to that of the water in the bucket. No, it won't weigh 15 pounds, but it will weigh in as suggested. However, the weight of the water itself will not change.

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to counterbalance the weight of the water bucket and make for easier lifting

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When a bucket of water is submerged underwater, it displaces an equal volume of water. Because water is denser than air, the weight of the water it displaces is greater than the weight of the bucket of water itself, making the bucket feel lighter underwater.

Why it is easier to lift a bucket full of water under the surface of water?

It is easier to lift a bucket full of water underwater because the buoyant force acting on the submerged bucket reduces the effective weight you have to lift. This buoyant force is equal to the weight of the water displaced by the bucket, making it feel lighter to lift.

If a bucket weighs 8 kilograms when full of water and it weighs 4.8 kilograms when half full of water what does it weigh when it is a quarter full of water?

When the bucket is half full, it holds 4 kilograms of water. If it weighs 4.8 kilograms at this point, the empty bucket weighs 0.8 kilograms. Since the weight of the water is halved each time, a quarter full bucket would weigh 2.4 kilograms (0.8 kg + 2 kg).

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No, a jar of water will not float to the bottom of a bucket of water. The jar will sink to the bottom due to its weight and density compared to the surrounding water.

What weight measure would you use to measure a bucket full of water?


If the weight of bucket filled with water is fifty kg and weight of the half filled water bucket is 30kg then what is the weight of the empty bucket?

Bucket plus Water = B + W = 50 kg Bucket + 0.5*Water = B + W/2 = 30 kg Subtracting the second equation from the first gives W/2 = 20 kg So W = 40 kg Then B + W = 50 kg gives B = 10 kg.

Why a nail sink in a bucket of water?

A nail sinks in water because it is denser than water and displaces water which exerts an upward buoyant force equal to the weight of the water displaced by the nail, causing it to sink. The weight of the nail overcomes this buoyant force, making it sink to the bottom of the bucket.

Why can you not lift a bucket of water without holding it?

You cannot lift a bucket of water without holding it because you need to apply a force to overcome the weight of the bucket and the water inside it. If you do not hold it, the force of gravity will cause it to fall back down. Holding the bucket allows you to apply the necessary force to lift it.