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The 'tests' as you call them, are really averages which vary from country to country. All human bodies develop at varying rates, though most stop growing upwards in their late teens. I was told that my grandfather grew one inch after he was 21 years. So the answer is that your height at 15 years is a reasonable indication that you will be tall, but not an exact prediction of just how tall.

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Q: You are 15 and according to the height calculator you will be 1.81m or 5.9ft tall and you are already that or taller will you not grow any more or is it really wrong how accurate are the tests?
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The date required to use a B.M.I, or Body Mass Index calculator is; your height,your age, your gender, and your weight. These calculators are not that accurate.

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Try to find BMI calculator tool. Before you start, you'll need an accurate height and weight measurement.

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The short, less accurate answer is that it should be about 100-120/60-75. The more accurate answer depends on the height. The "related link" is a calculator. To convert the height from inches to centimeters (cm) multiple by 2.54. The systolic is the top number and the diastolic is the bottom number.

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In calculating for your child's height, you may use a baby height percentile calculator. All you need to do, is enter the baby's birth date, gender and his or her actual height. The calculator will compute it automatically, and you will determine your baby's height percentile.

Where can I find a BMI calculator online? is the perfect website to calculate an individuals BMI. It takes into account a variety of factors including height and weight to give an accurate BMI result.

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to obtain an accurate measurement of a patient's height

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to obtain an accurate measurement of a patient's height

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You can use the online prediction height calculator to predict the adult height.

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In order for you to have the most accurate result from using a Body mass index weight loss calculator you will need to enter the following details, current weight, current height, date of birth and sex. The calculator will then divide your current weight in kilograms by your height in metres squared and will provide you with your current BMI so you will be able to see if you are a healthy weight for your height. You will be able to check your BMI at your Doctors Surgery, NHS online and local pharmacies and can also purchase BMI calculators at some pharmacy branches.

Im 5'2 and im 11 how tall can I reach?

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