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Need to know the voltage. Quantity of electricity is expressed in Watts. Watts = amp x volts. Total quantity is expressed in watt/hours.

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Q: If 13 A flows for 2 hours in a circuit what is the quantity of electricity that has passed?
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What is a path which electricity current flows?


What complete path through electricity flows?

A circuit.

How electricity flows?

Electricity flows through wires. Negatively charged atoms will jump to positively charged atoms. They all jump really fast and it causes flow. Electricity flows only in A. An open circuit. B. A closed circuit. C. A magnet D. An incomplete circuit

What happens to the electricity when there is only one switch?

Electricity flows in a complete circuit

What is electricity that flows in a closed loop called?

A closed circuit.

What is a circular path that electricity flows in?

A circular path that electricity flows in is called an electrical circuit. In a circuit, electricity flows from a power source, through wires or conductive materials, and back to the power source in a continuous loop. Components such as switches, resistors, and lights can be connected in the circuit to control the flow of electricity and perform specific functions.

What are some things about electricity?

It only flows through a closed circuit.

What opens a circuit by melting when too much electricity flows through a circuit?

A good old fuse.

How did electricity and magnetisnm work to gether?

When electricity flows through a circuit then magnetic field is created around it

What particle moves when electricity flows through a circuit?

Electrons are the particles that move when electricity flows through a circuit. They carry a negative charge and flow from the negative terminal of the power source to the positive terminal.

What is the path which electricity travels called?

The path of electricity is called a circuit.

What is a complete loop that electricity flows around?

A complete loop that electricity flows around is called a circuit. A circuit typically includes a power source (such as a battery), conductive wires, and a load (such as a light bulb or motor) that uses the electrical energy. When the circuit is closed or completed, electricity can flow continuously to power the load.