1 pound = 16 ounces10 pounds = 160 ounces10 pounds + 10 ounces = 160 ounces + 10 ounces = 170 ounces
170 grams is equal to about 6 ounces (weight only)
That is approximately 170 fl oz.
To convert pounds to kilograms, you need to divide the number of pounds by 2.20462. Therefore, 170 pounds is approximately equal to 77.27 kilograms.
About 1.7 to 1.9 ounces. http://www.crochet-world.com/blog/?p=7272
There are 21.25 cups in 170 ounces.
17.6 ounces equals 498.9516066 grams, that is about 0.5 kilograms.
There are approximately 0.006 oz in 170 mg.
That is 5.997 ounces.
There are 340,000 pounds in 170 tons.
170 kg is approximately 374.8 pounds.
170 kilograms equals 170 kilograms.