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Q: A baker made 20 pies A Boy Scout troop buys one fourth of his pies a preschool teacher buys one third of his pies and a caterer buys one sixth of his pies How many pies does the baker have left?
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Who doesn't want Atticus to read to scout?

Scout's kindergarten teacher.

To kill a mockingbird- why was scout so upset by her teacher's criticism of Hitler?

Scout was so upset by her teacher criticising Hitler because he was being racially prejudiced towards the Jewish people and Scout linked this prejudice to that of Maycomb County and the Negroes. Scout is upset that her teacher sees it as wrong for Hitler to punish the Jews when her teacher does the same thing to Negroes within their own community.

What does Scout teacher tell her to do?

Scout's teacher, Miss Caroline, tells her to stop reading at home with her father because she believes it interferes with Scout's learning in the classroom. Miss Caroline wants Scout to focus on the curriculum set by the school.

Who does Scout hit?

When the family goes to Aunt Alexandra's for Christmas, Scout hits Francis for calling Atticus a"nigger-lover". On Scout's first day of school she beats up Walter Cunningham because he made her look bad in front of their teacher. He didn't have lunch and Scout had to explain why. The teacher got made at Scout, so Scout got mad at Walter.

Why doesn't scout want to go school?

Scout got in trouble with her teacher because she already knew how to read and write.

Why did Scout attack Walter?

Scout attacked Walter because he accidentally made her late for school, causing her to get in trouble with her teacher, Miss Caroline. Scout was frustrated with the situation and took out her anger on Walter by fighting him.

What is the name of scouts teacher?

The scout's teacher is named Miss Temple.

Why does Scout describe Walter Cunningham's life situation to her teacher?

Scout describes Walter Cunningham's life situation to her teacher to explain why he may not have the means to pay back the lunch money she offered him. Scout wants her teacher to understand that Walter comes from a less privileged background, where money is scarce and not easily given away.

How does scout manage her teacher in to kill a mocking bird?

Scout manages her teacher, Miss Caroline, by trying to explain things from her perspective and by standing up for herself when she feels misunderstood or treated unfairly. Despite Miss Caroline's initial disapproval, Scout's honesty and earnestness gradually help her teacher see things in a different light. Scout's strong sense of justice and empathy also play a key role in how she interacts with Miss Caroline.

Describe scout's teacher miss Caroline fisher?

Miss Caroline Fisher is Scout's first-grade teacher in "To Kill a Mockingbird." She is young, inexperienced, and comes from a different background than the students in Maycomb. She struggles to understand the children and their circumstances, leading to conflicts with Scout.

Who thinks Atticus should leave the teaching to her in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Scout believes that Atticus should let Miss Caroline, her teacher, handle her education in To Kill a Mockingbird. She feels that her father, Atticus, should not get involved in her schooling and let the teacher do her job.

Who is scout's teacher?

her name is Miss Caroline Fisher