There are approximately 6.1 ounces in 180 ml.
Ounces measure weight and milliliters measure volume, so you can't convert from one to the other without knowing the density of the material you are measuring.
198.143 mL
There are 30 cc's or 30 ml's in a fluid ounce. Therefore there are 180 ml's in 6 ounces and 750 ml's divided by 180 ml's equals 4.1666 (6 ounce portions) in 750mls.
To convert fluid ounces to milliliters (mL), multiply by 29.57:Example: 20 fluid ounces x 29.57 = about 591.4 mL
medium density is required
To convert milliliters to teaspoons, divide the milliliters by 5. To convert milliliters to ounces, divide the milliliters by 30.
8.1 fluid ounces = about 240 mL (fluid ounces x 29.6 = mL).
To convert milliliters (mL) to US fluid ounces, use this formula: mL x 0.033814 = US fluid ounces
Six fluid ounces is equal to approximately 177 mL
Assuming that the 6oz is FLUID ounces(as opposed to mass ounces). 6oz = 187.5 mL
Multiply by 28.34 . = 4 oz is 113.36 ml.