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divide 0.108 gm by 1 coulomb of charge because e.c.e equals mass in gm/charge

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Q: How do you calculate ECE of silver if mass equals 0.108 grams and charge equals 1 coulomb?
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What is the radius of 1 coulomb?

A coulomb is a unit of charge. In other words, it's a certain number of electrons, specifically 6.24145 x 1018. It can't be given a radius, much like you can't give a radius to a dozen of cookies.

Is the electrochemical equivalent silver is 0.00111817?

Yes, the electrochemical equivalent of silver is 0.00111817 grams per coulomb. This value is used to calculate the amount of silver deposited or dissolved during electrolysis reactions.

What is the charge for silver?

silver is a pecious metal u fotutto puttanas.

What is the charge of the silver ion?

The charge of the silver ion is +1.

What is the charge for silver chloride?

Silver chloride has a charge of -1. This is because silver typically has a charge of +1, and chloride has a charge of -1, so when they combine in a compound like silver chloride, the overall charge is 0.

What is the net charge of silver?

The net charge of a silver ion (Ag+) is +1 because it has lost one electron.

What is the charge of silver nitrate?

Silver Nitrate-- AgNO3 has no charge since Ag (silver ion) has a +1 charge and NO3 (nitrate, a polyatomic ion) has a -1 charge [1+(-1) = 0]. Most chemical compounds are usually balanced.

What is the electric charge on the silver ion in silver chloride AgCl?

The silver ion in silver chloride (AgCl) has a charge of +1. This is because silver is a Group 11 element and typically forms ions with a +1 charge.

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Give you the proper reason for one ampere equals one coulomb per second?

Although an ampere is equivalent to a coulomb per second, the ampere isn't defined in terms of a coulomb and a secondIn fact, the ampere has never been defined as a 'coulomb per second'. Think about it! An ampere is an SI Base Unit whereas the coulomb is a Derived Unit. So the coulomb must be defined in terms of an ampere, not the other way around!In fact, it is the coulomb that is defined in terms of the ampere and the second.Until the adoption of the mksA (metre, kilogram, second, ampere) system, the ampere was defined in terms of the mass of silver deposited, by electrolysis, over a specified period. With the adoption of the mksA (and, subsequently, the SI system), the ampere has since been defined as follows:'the constant current that, if maintained in two straight parallel conductors of infinite length and negligible cross-sectional area and placed one metre apart in a vacuum, would produce between them a force equal to 2 × 10-7newtons per unit length'.

What is the charge of silver?

The charge of silver is typically +1. Silver belongs to Group 11 of the periodic table, which means it usually forms ions with a +1 charge by losing one electron to achieve a stable electron configuration.

How do you calculate what silver price is?

You can calculate what silver price is being searching it up on the internet, by asking your friends what they know information wise, and asking your local car dealership what silver prices are available.