There are 4.409 cups in a litre.
About 4 cups in a litre
That is 6.614 cups
It will be about 4 cups.
1.8 litre is 7.937 cups
1 litre of water is 4.4 cups.
4.4 cups in a litre
A litre is 4.409 cups.
1 litre=4.166666667 cup(metric) (s) 1 litre=4.2268 cup(US) (s) 1 litre=3.519506517 cup(Imperial) (s)
19.2 litre is 84.658 cups
1.7 litre is 7.496 cups.1.7 litre is 7.496 cups.
4 cups because 1 cup equals 250mL and there are 1000mL in a litre.