100 fluid ounces (US) = 2.957353 liters
100 fluid ounces is equal to approximately 2.96 liters.
about 3.4 fluid ounces = 100 mL or 1 fluid Ounces = about 30mL about 3.4 fluid ounces = 100 mL or 1 fluid Ounces = about 30mL
100 mL is about 3.381 US fluid ounces.
100 U.S. fluid ounces = 2.95735296 liters.
100 fluid ounces is 6.25 pints.
100 fluid ounces is less.
There are 2841.3ml in 100 UK fluid ounces, and 2957.4ml in 100 US fluid ounces.
100 ml = 3.38 US fluid ounces
100 fluid ounces is about three (2.95735) liters.
This depends on whether you mean UK fluid ounces or US fluid ounces. UK fluid ounce equals 28.4 ml US fluid ounce equals 29.6ml. So in the UK 100ml is 100 divided by 28.4 fluid ounces =3.5. In the US 100ml is 100 divided by 29.6 fluid ounces = 3.4 fluid ounces. Because the metric system is the same everywhere 100 millilitres is always 100 millilitres.
100 gallons is 12,800 fluid ounces.