1 kilogram are 15432.42954 grains.
1 kilogram = 15,432.36 grains.
There are approximately 15,432 grains in one kilogram.
15,432.358 grains per kilogram.
There are approximately 70,000 grains of salt in one kilogram.
Conversion: kg x 15,432 = grains
There are approximately 29,000 grains of rice in 1 kilogram. This number can vary slightly depending on the type and size of the rice grains. The estimation is based on the average weight and size of a single grain of rice.
Extrapolating from the answer to how may grains in a pound of rice, 29,000, (elsewhere in Answers.com) we get something like 64,000 grains in a kilogram (@ 2.2 lbs / kg). This could vary based on the kind of rice.
Grains of rice weigh from 20 to 40 milligrams, average 30. Therefore (1 kg = 1,000 g) ÷ (30 mg = 0.030 g) = 33,000 grains.
1 kilogram
Heck, one killogram, I bro you, is a kilogram, dummy.
There are 1000 grams in a kilogram