1020 grams. The prefix "kilo" (symbol k) in the International System of Units (SI) and other systems, which denotes 103, it means one thousand. Therefore, there are 1,000 grams (g) in a kilogram (kg) and 0.001 kilogram equal a gram. Kilograms and grams are units of mass not volume such as liters, gallons, quarts, pints, and cups, and can only be conveted to each other if you have the specific item being measured, as each item has a different density.
1 kilogram = 1000 grams so 102 kg = 102*1000 = 102,000 grams. Simple!
There are 1000 milligrams in a gram. Therefore 102 grams is 102,000 milligrams.
102 g = 3.598 oz
102.55 kilograms = 102 550 grams.
3.5 oz
3.31575242 ounces
On Earth the force F = 1 newton is the mass m = 102 grams. 56 grams are 0.55 newtons.
Grams (kilo, micro, whatever) are a measurement of weight, not distance. Distance is Meters - Kilometers, etc. Saturn is 1,429,400,000 Kilometers from the Sun.
The answer is 13,367.1010e+23 atoms.
There are ~28.35 grams per ounce, very often rounded to 28 grams per ounce, so 102/28 is ~3.64 ounces (using 28). Google does this for you, search "102 grams to ounces."
102 pounds = 1,632 ounces or 46,266.4 grams.
1000g in a kilogram