There are 1500 milliliters in 1.5L.
There are approximately 0.396258 gallons in 1500 milliliters.
Milliliters can't be converted to grams. Milliliters measure volume, while grams measure mass.
1500 ml.
milliliters are liquid, grams are solid. you either want milligrams or liters
For water (this only applies to water): grams = milliliters.
1500 Milliliters = 1.5 Liters
There are 1500 milliliters in one and a half liters. This is because there are 1000 milliliters in one liter, and therefore one and a half liters would be 1500 milliliters.
There is 5 ml/grams in a tsp. Milliliters and grams are the same volume.
1500 milliliters