The volume of 1 US tablespoon is 14.786765 milliliters. If you really need the measure in liters, then 14.786765 milliliters are 0.014786765 liters.
Liters are a liquid measure. Tablespoons of baking soda is a dry measure. So the question makes no sense. No, actually, liters are a measurement of volume. A liter is NOT specific to either liquid or solid substances. For that matter, neither is a tablespoon. It is just as valid to have a tablespoon of oil (a liquid) as it is to have a tablespoon of baking soda (a solid). The volume of either is the same. A tablespoon is approximately 15ml. (In other words, there are about 0.015 liters in 1 tablespoon.) If you want to be more precise, a tablespoon is really about 14.786765 ml.
1 US tablespoon is 14.786mL
A cup of tea usually only has a tablespoon or so of milk added to it. Not litres.
There are approximately 230 tablespoons of mayonnaise in 3.5 liters.
A tablespoon equals a tablespoon, by definition.
1 tablespoon equals a tablespoon.
How many milligrams of metamucil are in a tablespoon?"
that is approximately 1 tablespoon.
There are 15 ml in a tablespoon.
There are 3 teaspoons in a tablespoon.
1 tablespoon of walnuts is roughly 40 calories.