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Average onions are about 100 grams each, so you can expect a 2 pound bag (1 kilo) to contain about 10 onions. Note that this varies with the type of onion (red and white onions are slightly larger a piece) and whether you buy organic onions which tend to be slightly smaller.

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13y ago

we have 25 pound bags of onions at my work. i counted, and there were 62 medium-large onions in the bag. so maybe around 124?

AnswerOnions can vary widely in size. If they are graded as mediums, there might be as many as 200 in 50 pounds, but if graded as super colossal, there might only be 35 in 50 pounds. See the related link below for some more helpful information on onions.
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15y ago

It depends how finely they are minced. Onions have essentially the same density as water so 2 cps of very tightly packed onions will be 1 lb. just like water. As the coarseness of he cut increases the void space increases (the cupful gets fluffier) and the weight decreases.

If you need to know the weight of onions exactly you can find out.

Fill a ten cup measure with your chopped onions. Fill the onion filed cup with water so the level of onions and water is at the same 10 cup reading. Scoop out the onions with a slotted spoon leaving all the water in the container. After the onions are gone, note the amount of water left.

Now for some math.

The water and onion filled cup would have contained 10 cups = 5 lbs of mixture

Subtract 1/2 lb for every cup of water left in the measure after the onions are removed. This gives the weight of onions

(Example: For 2 cups of water left the weight of onions would be 5 lb - 1 lb = 4 lb)

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10y ago

About 40 medium onions.

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