There are approximately 8.45 fluid ounces in 250 milliliters.
How many mil is 2.5 ounces
That is 'ml' NOT mil. There are 170 of them in 6 ounces
177 mil. to make 6 ounces
780 milliliters is approximately 26.41 fluid ounces.
There are 25.36 ounces in a 750 milliliter bottle.
Yes It is 250 mil= 25 cm which is approximately 9 inches
There are approximately 25.36 ounces in 750 milliliters.
250 ml = 8.45 US fluid ounces.
250 pounds = 4,000 ounces
250 grams = 8.81849049 ounces
444mL is 15 (15.0134) US fluid ounces.