8.938 lbs to 143 oz
There are 16 ozs in 1 lb. Reciprocally, there are .0625 lbs in 1 oz. 70.2 x .0625 = 4.95 lbs.
2.87 pounds is equal to 45.92 ounces.
10.44lbs for 167 ounces.
240 lbs 5 ozs - 54 lbs 10 ozs ---------------------- =185 lbs 11 ozs
0.1425 pounds is 2.28 ounces.
Remember the Table of Imperial weights. 16 ozs. = 1 lb 14 lbs = 1 stone 2 stones = 1 quart 4 quarts = 1 cwt (hundredweight) 20 cwt = 1 ton. To answer you question 16 ozs. = 1 lb (pound).
1.1 lbs contains 17.6 ozs.
2 lbs. and 3.66 oz
9.04 pounds is 9 pounds and 0.64 ounces.
2.85 kg = 6 pounds and 4.531 ounces Convert 2.85 kg to lbs with the formula: 2.85 kg* 2.2046 lbs 1 kg = 6.283174472 lbs