That is 4.082 litres.
6 pints.
6 qts
24 cups
12 cups
24 pints 1 quart = 2 pints 1 pint = 0.5 quart
That is 12 pints
5.671 liter = 2.11 pints 1 pint = 0.47 Liter
It would equal 21.117047837 UK pints, 21.793991478 US dry pints and 25.360517026 US liquid pints.25.36 pints2112 liters is about 25.36 US pints.There are 25.360517 pints in 12 liters.
It goes like this. Pint =4 cups 2 Pints = 8 cups 3 Pints = 12 cups So every pint, your adding 4 cups.
15 US pints1.87500 US gallons == If you want to know exact gallons then 1.875 gallons would be your answer. If you want the simple answer just go with 1 gallon 7 pints.