6 large eggs is the same amount as 7 medium eggs. It is also the same as having 8 small eggs.
I have found that they are about the same unless your recipe calls for exact measurements. I would add one more small egg but just the white.
12 small eggs: 660 calories 12 medium eggs: 780 calories 12 large eggs: 900 calories 12 x-large eggs: 1020 calories
4 jumbo eggs = 5 large eggs = 6 medium eggs= 7 small eggs = 1 cup (250 mL) yolks and whites; 1 dozen large ...www.globalgourmet.com/food/resources/eggs.html
Normally, It'd be two.
Normally, It'd be two.
6 medium eggs
Medium eggs weigh between 53-63g.
2,100 medium eggs is approximately 231.277 pounds
2 large or 3 medium sized eggs.
That is approximately 20 pounds of medium eggs.
On average (mixed or medium sizes), around 165. Unless they're all large or small.