200 ml
A standard decanter can hold at least 750 ml, enough for a bottle of wine.
An official 'cup' 8 ounces of water , or in US 240 ml.
more than 2000 mL
5 ml is 5 milliliters, which is equivalent to one teaspoon. Most medicines, whether dispensed on prescription or purchased over the counter, come with a plastic 5 ml spoon or syringe.
One tea spoon can contain 5cc of a liquid. So, 20cc is equivalent to 4 tea spoons.
A McDonald's straw can hold approximately 1 mL of liquid at a time.
Pipettes come in various sizes and types, so the volume they can hold is usually measured in milliliters (mL) rather than grams. The maximum volume a pipette can hold depends on its size, with common sizes ranging from 0.1 mL to 25 mL. The weight of the liquid in the pipette would depend on the density of the liquid being pipetted.
its millilitres
No, a standard can of pop typically holds 355 mL of liquid.
A teaspoon is 5ml so six teaspoons = 30 ml.