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Q: In what kind of service does a seated hostess or host place food from bowls and amp platters on guests' plates?
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What kind of food service is Russian style?

I am not sure I understand your question, but will try to answer it. I was in Russia last summer for 13 days. Food service was in courses of soup, salad, entree, desert, and coffee. It was a lot of food for one meal. --This Might Help-- In Russian service, the food is completely prepared and portioned in the kitchen. An adequate number of portions for the number of guests at the table are arranged on serving platters by the chef. A waiter of waitress brings the platters with food to the dinning room along with heated dinner plates. The plates are given to each guest, and the waiter walks around to each plate, and serves a portion. This is repeated until all items on the menu have been served.

What is the plural of platter?

The plural form of platter is platters

Do hot entrees damage silver platters?

No, hot entrees do not damage silver plates if the plates are in good condition. Both cold and hot foods can be served on these plates.

Why do you need to have variety of dishes?

Dishes serve differnt purposes. There a pie plates, dinner plates, salad plates, soup bowls, platters, and other dishes that are used for different foods.

What is the meaning of the word plates?

The word plates is the plural form of the word plate. Plates are usually circular shaped flat dishes that are made of china and food is placed on the dish to be served or eaten. Other words for plates are platters, trenchers, and dishes.

What did trencher makers do?

Trencher makers were craftsmen who made wooden platters called trenchers. These trenchers were used as plates in medieval times to hold and serve food. Trencher makers would carve and shape the wooden platters for households and banquets.

Styles of food service?

There are essentially three main ways: Buffet style is when food is set up on a table from which guests serve themselves. Family-style is when dishes are placed/passed around the dining table and guests help themselves to whatever size portion they want. Sit-down is when food is already composed on the plate and is served to guests that way. They do not choose what they receive (unless they are in a restaurant and ordering from a menu.) The most commonly known food service are 1.English Service. 2,French Service 3,Russian Service(alsoo buffet style) 4,trolley Service

What is family style of service?

Family-style dining is a method of serving food to diners seated at a table in which the main and side dishes are brought to the table in serving bowls or on platters that are passed between the the diners, who take what they want and transfer it to their own plates.

Should plates of food be passed clockwise or counter clockwise?

Counter clockwise, as the majority of people are right -handed, unless the host or hostess directs otherwise . During the course of a family-style meal, food may be handed round in the most efficent way as requested by individual guests.

How many dinner plates?

How many guests? One dinner plate per person .

What are the common rules on table service?

Common rules for table service include greeting guests promptly, taking orders accurately, serving food and drinks efficiently, clearing empty plates promptly, and checking in on guests to ensure their needs are met. Good communication, attentiveness, and professionalism are key to providing excellent table service.

What are the types of meal services?

Breakfast,lunch and dinner