Learn how to use "common denominators". The common denominator for 27/50 and 18/40 is 200. To get this common denominator, you need to multiply both the numerator and denominator of 27/50 by 4, giving you 108/200. (A fraction remains the same as long as you multiply both the top and bottom numbers by the same number.) To get 18/40 to the common denominator of 200, you have to multiply both the top and bottom by 5. Once you do that, both fractions will have 200 as the denominator, so you can just look to see if the numerator is the same. If not, they aren't equal. Good luck.
18/20, 27/30, 36/40, 45/50, and so on
18/20, 27/30, 36/40, 45/50,...To get the equivalent fractions of 9/10:Multiply 9/10 by 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 5/5,...9/10 * 2/2 = 18/209/10 * 3/3 = 27/309/10 * 4/4 = 36/409/10 * 5/5 = 45/50Equivalent fractions of 9/10 = 18/20, 27/30, 36/40, 45/50,...
equivalent fractions of 9/50 are 18/100, 27/150, 36/200,... To get the equivalent fractions of 9/50: Multiply 9/50 by 2/2, 3/3, 4/4,... 9/50 * 2/2 = 18/100 9/50 * 3/3 = 27/150 9/50 * 4/4 = 36/200
To get the equivalent fractions of 9/10:Multiply 9/10 by 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 5/5, ...Equivalent fractions of 9/10 = 18/20, 27/30, 36/40, 45/50,...
To get the equivalent fractions of 9/10:Multiply 9/10 by 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 5/5,...Equivalent fractions of 9/10 = 18/20, 27/30, 36/40, 45/50,...
Some equivalent fractions of 3/5 are: 6/10 = 9/15 = 12/20 = 15/25 = 18/30 = 21/35 = 24/40 = 27/45 = 30/50 = 33/55
11/18 × 27/50 = 33/100
18/20, 27/30, 36/40, 45/50,...To get the equivalent fractions of 9/10:Multiply 9/10 by 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 5/5,...9/10 * 2/2 = 18/209/10 * 3/3 = 27/309/10 * 4/4 = 36/409/10 * 5/5 = 45/50Equivalent fractions of 9/10 = 18/20, 27/30, 36/40, 45/50,...
27 is 50% greater than 18.
To find 50 percent more than 18, you first calculate 50% of 18 by multiplying 18 by 0.50, which equals 9. Then, you add this result to 18 to get the final answer. Therefore, 50 percent more than 18 is 27.
27/40 = 135/200 35/50 = 140/200 So the second fraction is bigger