34 fl oz = 1.0052 L 5 L = 169.12 fl oz 5 L is much bigger (in volume) than 34 fl oz.
1st one
There are 8 fl oz. in a cup. 34 divided by 8 is 4.25. So, there are 34 fl oz. in 4 and 1/4 cups. For more conversion info, go to the related link below
There are 1.0625 quarts in 34 fluid ounces.
There are approximately 100.55 ml in 3.4 oz.
4.25 cups is 34 fluid ounces.
3.4 fluid ounces = approximately 0.1006 liters.
oz is an abbreviation for ounces; 34 oz is thus 34 ounces. they are one and the same.
0.5 liters is approximately equal to 16.91 fluid ounces.
34 fl oz of water is 68 tablespoons
That is 963.884 fl oz.
Rounding it would equal 8, but fl oz are the same as oz so it would be 7.7 its the same so that would be the answer