There are 2 tablespoons in 1 ounce.
2 tablespoons.
There are 2 tablespoons in one fluid ounce.
There are approximately 2 tablespoons of ricotta cheese in one ounce.
No. One ounce equals 2 tablespoons
Approximately 2 tablespoons depending on material.
There are typically about 6 to 8 bar spoons equivalent to one ounce, depending on the size and design of the spoon.
Table sugar, or granulated sugar, is commonly used in baking. One dry ounce of table sugar is equal to two tablespoons.
a Tablespoon is a measure of volume and an ounce can be either a measure of volume or a measure of weight. one level tablespoon is equal to one ounce of volume, but not necessarily one ounce of weight
1/2 Tablespoons equal one ouce Nope... you've got it backwards and spelled it wrong. Two tablespoons (tbsp) equal one ounce (oz). One tbsp equals one half oz. One half tbsp equals one quarter oz.
No 1 tablespoon = 1/2 ounce 1 ounce = 2 tablespoons.
1 cup of caster sugar is equal to 200 grams