14 cups.
1 quart = 4 cups And 1 cup = 0.25 quart.
There are 32 US fluid ounces (2 pints, or 4 cups) in 1 US quart (946.4 ml).
There are 40 Imperial fluid ounces (2 pints) in 1 Imperial quart (1,136 ml).
Note that there is no 'cup' in the Imperial system, it is best to use pints or half pints, and not 'cups'.
35 cups is 8.5 quarts.
That is approximately 140 cups.
There are 23.25 quarts in 372 cups.
There are 4 quarts in 16 cups, as 1 quart is equivalent to 4 cups.
1 quart = 4 cups2 quarts = 8 cups2 quarts + 3 cups = 8 cups + 3 cups = 11 cups
No, 1.2 quarts is equal to 4.8 cups, not 4.2 cups.
22 quarts is less than 90 cups. 22 quarts = 86.749 cups.
8 cups is 2 quarts.
There are 1600 cups in 400 quarts. 1 quart is equal to 4 cups. So, you would multiply 400 quarts by 4 cups per quart to get 1600 cups.
5 quarts is 20 cups5 quarts is 20 cups
32 quarts is 128 cups32 quarts is 128 cups
4 cups = 1 quart 40 cups = 10 quarts 47 cups = 113/4 quarts