The term ounce is used for both a unit of weight and volume in the US and old British measurement systems, and as a unit of weight in the "troy" system used for precious metals. Today they're defined in terms of equivalent SI units, as follows:
One ounce is equal to approximately 29.57 milliliters.
20 pennyweights equal one troy ounce. Note that the troy ounce is heavier than a normal avoirdupois ounce.
NO, -28.34 grams is equal to 1 ounce
20 pennyweights equal one ounce one pennyweight equals 20 grains or 0.05 of an ounce
One fluid ounce is 0.0078125 gallon.
No. One ounce equals 2 tablespoons
One ounce is equal to about 28.35 g
One ounce is equal to 28.3495231 grams.
One ounce = 28.349523125 grams
One half ounce is equal to approximately 14.79 milliliters.
one Actually one fluid ounce does not equal a weight ounce. It depends on the fluid and how dense it is. It is usually close to one weight ounce. Milk I believe is heavier than water due to its density. So one fluid ounce of milk should not equal one ounce.