There are approximately 0.27051218 drams in a milliliter.
12.75 teaspoons = 17 drams
4 drams is 109.38 grains.
One milliliter is equal to about 0.27 fluid drams.
Four drams is 0.25 (1/4) ounce.
Four ounces is 29.17 drams.
6.25 drams is equal to approximately 3.90625 grams.
1 dram = 1 tsp = 5 ml so 2 drams equal 10 ml
There are 8 drams in 1 ounce, so half an ounce would contain 4 drams.
1 fluid dram is 4 mL 4 x 5 = 20 So, 5 fluid drams = 20 mL
According to what I have found ( I was researching this same exact question for nursing) 1/2 fl oz equals 4 fluid drams. So by my calculations 2 fl oz would be equal to 16 fluid drams. Hope this helps. :D