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Q: What is 600kilos in imperial measure?
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How many pounds does 250 imperial gallons weigh?

Imperial gallons can't be converted to pounds. Imperial gallons measure volume, while pounds measure mass.

How many imperial gallons in you metric toN?

Metric tons can't be converted to imperial gallons. Metric tons measure mass, while imperial gallons measure volume.

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What is 81 kilogram in imperial measure?

81 kilograms is approximately 178.57 pounds in imperial measure.

Is a ounce metric?

No an ounce is imperial measure .

How do you measure length in feet?

With a "ruler" or "tape measure" calibrated in imperial units

What is the function of pint?

It is a measure of liquid volume. The Imperial pint is 1/8 of an Imperial gallon.

An imperial micrometer can read to what accuracy?

An imperial micrometer can measure to within 0.001in (1000th of an inch).

What measure of capacity is equal to 220 imperial gallons?

220 imperial gallons is 264.21 US gallons.

What imperial volume liquid in 1 cu ft?

1 cubic ft is an imperial volume measure.

In the blank system you measure with inches and ounces?


Is a gallon a metric unit?

No, it is an imperial unit of measure.