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umm, I'm not sure i understand the question, but ill give it a try.

5 tons is 10,000 lbs

a small car weighs like 3500 lbs or so, so maybe like 2 to 3 Toyota corollas.

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Q: What would 5 tons compare to?
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What would be heavier out of 8000 pounds or 5 tons or 10000 kg?

5 tons.

What is bigger 5 tons or 1000 pounds?

5 tons is bigger than 1000 pounds. 1 ton is equivalent to 2000 pounds, so 5 tons would be equal to 10,000 pounds.

What is the thickness of 5 tons spread out on 1 acre?

That depends on the density of the material. 5 tons of styrofoam would be a lot thicker than 5 tons of lead.

How many pounds are equivalent to 5 tons?

Well a ton equals 2,000 pounds, therefore, 5 tons would be 10,000 pounds.

How many poun ds in 5 tons?

Well, one ton is 2000 pounds, so 5 tons would be 2000 times 5, which equals 10000.

5 metric tons is equal to how many tons?

5 metric tons is 5.51 tons.

Where can I compare BBQ gas grills?

I would try going to the cnet website and searching for gas grills. It will show you tons of gas grills that you can compare to see which one suits you the best.

How many short tons are equal to 5 long tons?

5 tons (long) = 5.6 tons (short)

What is grater 5 tons or 12000 ponds?

5 tons

Is 5 tons or 1000 pounds bigger?

5 tons

Is 5000 pounds or 5 tons greater?

5 tons.