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Around 60-70% of criminal defendants are released pending the outcome of their case, either on bail, their own recognizance, or other conditions. The percentage can vary depending on jurisdiction and offense.

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Q: What percentage of criminal defendants are released pending the outcome of their case?
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What is the possible outcome for an illegal person who is possibly charged with domestic battery and DUI was committed 5 years ago and has an INS hold?

The person may face deportation due to the INS hold and the criminal charges of domestic battery and DUI if convicted. It is important for them to seek legal representation to understand their options and defenses in both the criminal case and immigration proceedings. The outcome will depend on various factors, including the specifics of the cases and any previous criminal history.

Will my boyfriend get released if arrested for first DUI?

The outcome of a DUI arrest can vary depending on the circumstances and the legal system in place. Your boyfriend's release may depend on factors such as bail, criminal history, and the specifics of the case. It would be best to consult with a legal professional for guidance tailored to your boyfriend's situation.

How would you define criminal procedings?

Criminal proceedings are legal actions that take place in court to determine if a person has committed a crime. These proceedings typically involve charges being filed, evidence being presented, and a trial where guilt or innocence is decided by a judge or jury. The outcome can result in various penalties or consequences for the defendant.

What is the role of a criminal defense attorney?

A criminal defense attorney represents individuals charged with committing a crime. They advocate for their clients, provide legal advice, negotiate with prosecutors, and defend them in court to ensure their rights are protected and help achieve the best possible outcome for their case.

Does an arrest come up on a crb check?

Yes, an arrest can appear on a Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) check if it has been recorded by the police. However, the outcome of the arrest (e.g., whether charges were filed or if a conviction was made) will also be included in the check.

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they are the mediator between the accused and the judge in the plea bargaining process since they prepare defendants for the likely outcome of conviction.

How is the defense attorney an agent-mediator?

they are the mediator between the accused and the judge in the plea bargaining process since they prepare defendants for the likely outcome of conviction.

What is the possible outcome for an illegal person who is possibly charged with domestic battery and DUI was committed 5 years ago and has an INS hold?

The person may face deportation due to the INS hold and the criminal charges of domestic battery and DUI if convicted. It is important for them to seek legal representation to understand their options and defenses in both the criminal case and immigration proceedings. The outcome will depend on various factors, including the specifics of the cases and any previous criminal history.

What is the difference between cilvil law and criminal law?

Civil law is for cases bought personally, to settle debts or grievances for example, and the outcome is usually restitution. Criminal law is for crimes committed against the legal code, such as robbery and murder, and the outcome is punishment as decreed by law.

If theres not criminal record but you get on felony what is the outcome?

The question makes no sense - please re-word and re-submit.

What is Court outcome for juvenile trespassing charge?

The exact outcome will depend on the criminal history of the minor as well as the circumstances of the incident. It could be community service, or it could a remand to a juvenile detention center.

Is criminal justice a social study?

Yes it could be. The socialization of people affects behavior and criminal behavior can be the outcome. So, therefore, it is a study in social behavior and attitudes concerning crime in society.