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Cultural convergence is when the similarities between different cultures in the same nation are driven by global and common brands. The similarities are with aspects like consumer preferences, beliefs, aspirations, and values.

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Q: What does culture convergence mean?
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Distinguish between cultural convergence and cultural divergence?

cultural convergence is when it is all about what happens in the culture, b ut culture divergence is when the culture has different cultural parts. :)

What is the convergence of culture?

Cultural convergence is described by Baerwald and Fraser as the contact and interaction of one country to another.

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Cultural convergence

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Convergence is the movement of the eyes towards each other as they focus on something moving towards the patient's nose.

Which is one of the negative effects of cultural convergence?

The growth of a common world culture could cause the decline of cultural diversity.

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Google Image ...Therefore, culture is no longer limited to a region but has spread throughout the modern world. Jenkins attributes thecultural convergence phenomenon to "collective intelligence" and ...

What part of speech is convergence?

Convergence is a noun.

What are the 3 tipes of convergence?

The three types of convergence are geographic convergence (physical distance), technological convergence (integration of different technologies), and economic convergence (alignment of economies).

What is Division of IT Convergence Engineering's motto?

The motto of Division of IT Convergence Engineering is 'The World's Best in IT Convergence Engineering!'.

What is itcz mean?

Well in Earth Science terms. ITCZ stands for: Intertropical Convergence Zone

What is convergence in television?

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When was Convergence - journal - created?

Convergence - journal - was created in 1995.