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I'm assuming you mean can a baby of 6 pounds survive and be healthy. Yes. Newborns as light as 1.5 pounds have survived and grown into adulthood.

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Q: Can a baby weigh 6 pounds?
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How many ounces does a 6 pound 6 ounce baby weigh?

A 6 pound 6 ounce baby would weigh a total of 102 ounces (16 ounces in a pound).

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The baby weighs approximately 2.6 pounds.

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Babies usually weigh around 7 pounds. Weight of baby has not much to do on how much the mother gains. ex: if you gain 20 lbs the baby will weigh on the average 7 pounds. You can gain 30 pounds and the baby will prob weigh about 7 pounds.

Does a newborn baby weigh about 30 kg?

No way, that is way too much weight for a newborn baby. This is equivalent to about 60 pounds. The average newborn will weigh about 6-8 pounds if healthy. The record for the heaviest baby is documented at being about 19lbs.

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you will gain about 2 to 6 pounds or even more depending on you or sometimes even 20 pounds more.

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A baby dolphin weigh about 300 pounds

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I guess if you don't weigh more than 110 pounds.

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