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Don't. You should consider seeking help if you are or are considering doing those behaviors. Besides helping you avoid such behaviors, professionals can help you develop an appropriate, healthy plan to reach and maintain a normal weight.

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Q: Can you lose 50 or more pounds in 5 months by throwing up or starving yourself?
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How long does it take to loose 60 pounds by starving yourself I'm going to try it?

Each body and person is different, as is how long it would take to lose 60 pounds by starving yourself. However, this should never be used as a weight loss method. It is unhealthy, and diet and exercise are much better options.

I am 15 years old 5'7 and weigh 107 pounds is that bad?

no, as long as you're healthy, exercise and not starving yourself, you're fine :)

Is it possible to lose 100 pounds in 2 months if your 310 pounds and 5 foot 9?

I would say, its almost impossible to lose that much pounds in 2 months. But if you believe in yourself then you can do it!

If you weigh 120 pounds how long would it take you to lose 5 pounds by starving yourself?

cut out all carbohydtates except first thing in the morning and lose 5lbs close to 1 week

Have you starved yourself?

I'm 13 and in February I weighed 156 pounds. I was trying to lose some weight for Spring Break, I managed to lose 30 pounds. However, I don't recommend "starving" yourself as it is very dangerous and can sometimes lead to major health concerns.

Im 10 and you weigh 90 pounds should you be starving yourself?

Its never a good ider to starve yourself!!! you are at a normal weight for your age and if you are still worryed take part in a sport like soccer or tennis,

What is the quickest way to lose 6 pounds in a month without starving yourself?

exercise 50x times more and eat the same way. run a mile everyday.

Can you lose 3 pounds in a day starving?


Can you lose three pounds by starving?

Yes, you can easily lose three pounds by starving. However, there are much easier ways to lose three pounds. Try cardio exercise every other day and you will soon burn off those three pounds.

I weigh exactly 249 pounds i am a male im 5.10. if i try the 500 calorie diet what would happen?

You need to eat at least 1,200 to 1,500 calories a day, if not more, to safely lose weight. 500 a day you are practically starving yourself and being skinny isn't worth starving for.

How much weight do you lose in a week by starving yourself when you are 30 pounds overweight?

it depends on your metabolism, just remember when you start to eat again you will gain twice the weight back you lost, so diet the right way eat healthy and exercise!!

How do you loose 30 pounds if your a 12 year old girl?

Don't eat for about a week, if you have to eat, just throw it up! The pounds will melt away! First of all, starving yourself is rediculous and please do not make yourself throw up your food after you eat because that becomes a desease called belimia another word for it is called anerexic which is very bad so dont make yourself throwup please you can really die from this deasese this is not a joke im just improving this answer.