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No it burns more

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11y ago

100 calories

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Q: Does 40 jumping jacks 30 crunches 20 squats and 10 pushups burn 100 calories?
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What are 6 workouts to do before and after playing a sport?

pushups,situps,jumping jacks,toilets,squats,plugens.

How many calories are burned doing jumping squats?


What are some exercises that I can do that will burn fat quickly?

treadmill cardio activities pressups crunches squats and stuff like that

What exercises should people do daily?

They should go for a walk or jog or a run to keep fit and stay healthy!

Is pushups, pullups, and squats a good workout routine?

It depends on what your goals are.

What are the best exercises to train for baseball?

Baseball players need quad, glute, core, shoulder, and forearm strength the most so things such as squats, deadlifts, pushups, wallsits, crunches, planks, and thing like that are the best exercises you can do to train for baseball.

What are some good exercises for a wrestler?

squats pushups an lifting 200 pound wiehts

What are good PE exercises?

running pushups situps lunges squats things like that

What should you do to increase your jumping ability?

Do numerous squats and jumps, try at least 8 different squats and or jumps.

What exercise to do for a bigger butt?

Squats, Jumping jacks, Lunges

How many squats will burn 100 calories?

depending how low and fast you go but 900 squats using 10 pound weights your loseings about 700 calories

How does a 13 year old girl get a 6pack?

If you mean a six pack as in abdominal muscles, the only way is exercise.