they just look after their pack and also always have each others back in every problem.
Many of them do yes. They work together in packs or pods to hunt.
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A group of dolphins is called a pod. Pods can vary in size and may consist of anywhere from a few dolphins to several dozen individuals. Dolphins within a pod work together to hunt, communicate, and travel.
Dolphins often work together to hunt by surrounding a school of fish. The fish are then trapped, and any that try to escape go right towards the dolphins. They may also blow bubbles (which oddly enough, terrifies the fish) and they won't dare to cross that "line." Instead, they try to jump over the bubbles above the water's surface. Because they are surrounded by dolphins, they jump right into their mouths. Often times, dolphins may simply hunt alongside each other (for example, if they are looking for crustaceans or fish under the sand). In that case, they don't work as a team, but they are close together.
Dolphins work together to find food, often "herding" school of small fish up onto reefs and sandbars. The dolphins then work together, taking turns to feed while the other dolphins keep the fish herded.Dolphins have well developed echolocation, by which they locate other animals and objects in the water. It is also how they communicate with each other.Dolphins have between 45 and 63 small, sharp teeth, which enable them to tear food into smaller pieces.
Dolphins eat fish and they are smart about it. Schools of dolphins will work together when they find a school of fish. They circle the fish to make a ball and then take turns eating from the ball of fish.
Dolphins work together to find food, often "herding" school of small fish up onto reefs and sandbars. The dolphins then work together, taking turns to feed while the other dolphins keep the fish herded.Dolphins have well developed echolocation, by which they locate other animals and objects in the water. It is also how they communicate with each other.Dolphins have between 45 and 63 small, sharp teeth, which enable them to tear food into smaller pieces.
Animals that can be found in a pod include dolphins, whales, and seals. Pods are social groupings of these marine mammals that work together for activities like hunting, communication, and protection.
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Dolphins main diet is fish. They love to eat fish. They eat fish by catching it in their mouth. They have cone shaped teeth to help them do this. They do not chew their food. They swallow it whole. Also dolphins will often work together by corralling the school of fish and then dig in and have a feast.
An example of a behavioural adaptation in animals is the way dolphins work together to find food, often "herding" school of small fish up onto reefs and sandbars. The dolphins then take turns to feed while the other dolphins keep the fish herded.
Dolphins help each other spot for and alert to danger, as well as search for food, which they can work together to catch. If a dolphin pod is large enough, they can even scare away would-be predators.