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6 pounds is an excellent way to lose weight. To lose six pounds in a month, you need to have a calorie deficit of at least 750.

Eating and Drinking

A healthy calorie intake for weight loss is about 1500 calories per day.

Here are some tips, guide lines and examples.

Drink only water, and drink plenty of watter, especially before meals.

Don't eat any snacks or sweets, cakes, chocolates, even trail mix during diet period.

Only eat during meal times.

Eat slowly, and never feel full or bloated.

Don't fry anything, and balance each member of the food group into our diet.

Make a menu for the month and go buy what you need.


You will need to burn at least 250 calories more than your average day.

In stead of sitting, walk around, sprint or jump randomly, and take the stairs 2 times.

Bike or walk wherever you can.

Run 10 min, and/or do a cardio program on tv for 10 min. or so.

Go for a brisk walk after dinner.

Engage in sports like track, swimming, skating, cycling, etc.

get stronger and more flexible.

Remember that you will lose a pound a week by just changing eating habits.

if you have Bright House, go 2 channel 306 and there is 4 hours worth of exercise!! Try the 10 lbs slimdown!!

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13y ago
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14y ago

You need to start to eating basically healthier foods (no crazy diets, calorie counting, purging, or starving!) and exercising more, its hard to lose that much weight in a week naturally so I suggest instead of calling it a "diet" you call it a new lifestyle choice" being healthy is making healthy eating choices and making the choice to take time out of your day to start working out.

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14y ago

No matter how you look at it, losing 6 pounds in one day involves a trip to the hospital followed by a recovery period.

The healthiest option involves a surgical procedure called liposuction, in which some of your body's fat is literally sucked out of you.

The next most likely scenario involves the loss of a limb; but it's unlikely that this was something you were considering.

Finally, if you try to lose that much weight in one day by fasting and exercising aggressively, you're going to dangerously dehydrate your body, possibly give yourself heat exhaustion, and maybe even trigger a heart attack.

The smallest time period over which it's reasonably safe to lose that much weight is about two weeks; and almost any doctor would tell you that a month is better.

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12y ago

just keep confident in yourself...................

you should really just NOT be in bed or watching tv all the time.......... make a plan...

tv=30 min

exercising = at least 1 hour

Hope this helps!

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