There is no Relation and it is like if you want to convert Litres into Kilogrammes
1,000 IU = 25ug
4 iu in 0.6 ml
1000 iu is how many mL?
To determine how many 600 IU calcium tabs are needed to equal 50,000 IU, you would divide the total IU by the IU per tab, so 50,000 IU divided by 600 IU per tab equals approximately 83 tabs.
An "iu" is an international unit. This means that one iu is a the same as a "unit". But this is not the same as how many "miligrams" of active ingredient there are in a drug.
25mcg equals 0.025mg
250 iu dose = 25
What is the iu for folic acid
There are 50 micrograms in 2000 IU of vitamin D.
0.0005mg in 1million IU of Colistin Sulphate.