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That all depends on where in Alberta you live and pasture quality. Stocking rates for southern Alberta on unirrigated pasture is around three or four acres per AU (one animal unit being defined as one 1000 lb cow with or without a calf consuming around 22 lbs of forage per day), and further north in more moist areas, one or two AU per acre is allowed. You can double or even triple the number of cows per acre if you mob-graze.

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Q: How many acres per cow in Alberta?
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How many cattle will 100 acres support?

I've always heard that the rule of thumb is: One cow per acre or One horse per 3 acres. The difference is that a horse pulls up the grass and a cow cuts the grass. Also - It can depend on where the property is... south Texas is more like 2 acres per cow, farther north can be 2 per acre.

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You can graze probably around 5 to 10 acres per cow or more around that area because of less vegetation and scrub brush in that state.

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South Carolina has a total area of 20,492,864 acres.

How many acres do you need per cow?

This is highly dependent on location, pasture health and forage quantity, the size and weight of the cow, climate, soil health and vegetation. Each area/location has a different stocking rate over the other, and often a rule of thumb of "at least 2 acres" may not be sufficient, especially in those areas where you can rotationaly graze cattle (having grazing pressure of 50 animals per 2 acres for every 12 hours, for instance), or in an area where you can only have 1 cow calf pair for every 25 acres.

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You will need more acres per horse in the southern part of Alberta than the north. Average is around 4 acres per horse, and up to 1.5 acre per horse in the northern parts. Though that's on excellent quality pasture: stocking rates may be a bit less on less-quality pasture. Not to mention that horses need room to run, unlike cattle, so you will need to add on a couple extra acres in addition to the amount that they will graze.

How many hectares is 300 acres?

121.4 hectares per 300 acres.

How many miles is in 500 acres?

0.78125 square miles per 500 acres.

How many acres does it take for three cows?

It depends on what state and area you live in. Heavy grass and warm winters could support 1 cow per acre. Most areas require

How many people per square mile in Alberta Canada?

As of 2021, Alberta has a population density of around 14 people per square mile.

How many acres are in 319 square miles?

204,160 acres per 319 square miles.

How Many cattle per 1000 acres?

There are billions of cattle in the world today.

How many square miles are in 20000 acres?

(20,000 acres) / (640 acres per sq mile) = 31.25square miles