390 mg is 10 meq if dealing with 'elemental' Potassium 2350 mg is 10 meq if dealing with Potassium Gluconate
how many meq's is 595 mg of potassium gluconate in pill form? _____________ You seem to be asking how translate a dose of potassium chloride, which is often expressed as mEq's when prescribed as a drug, into an equivalent dose of potassium in supplemental potassium gluconate, which is generally expressed in mg. 595 mg of potassium gluconate contains about 99mg of elemental potassium. 189 mg of potassium chloride also contains about 99mg of elemental potassium. 189 mg of potassium chloride is about 2.54 mEq That said, the potassium in potassium gluconate is more easily absorbed by the body than is the potassium in potassium chloride, so seeking the equivalent elemental potassium dosage may not be what you want as it may produce different effects in the body. For example, my mother had been prescribed 20mEq of potassium chloride by her doctor, which contains 781.960 mg of elemental potassium. The large pills were hard for her to swallow. Instead i gave her about 1/4 teaspoon of powered potassium gluconate mixed in a glass of water, which contained only about 135 mg elemental potassium, about the same contained in 3.5 mEq of potassium chloride. That was less than a fifth the amount prescribed by her doctor, yet her potassium levels in her blood tests were just fine.
Potassium gluconate is a form of potassium supplement used to prevent or treat low potassium levels in the blood. Potassium iodide is a form of iodine supplement used to protect the thyroid gland from exposure to radioactive iodine in the event of a nuclear emergency. Potassium gluconate primarily provides potassium, while potassium iodide primarily provides iodine.
Bananas will help with your potassium deficiency because they are high in potassium. Potassium can help alleviate cramping and other muscular ailments, as well as regulating sodium levels in the body.
Bananas contain a good amount of potassium.
Don't know many but bananas have a lot of potassium
each banana has 450 mg of potassium
Nine and 1/2.
Bananas are slightly radio active because they contain potassium. You could not eat enough to be affected
Potassium is the necessary nutrient for healthy blood. Foods high on potassium include bananas, mangos, spinach, and many other fruits and vegetables. A plant based diet is a great way to stay healthy.
Bananas contain a small amount of the radioactive isotope potassium-40, which is found naturally in the environment. The radiation emitted by potassium-40 in bananas is very low and not harmful to humans. Eating bananas exposes you to less radiation than many everyday activities, such as flying in an airplane.
Symptoms of potassium poisoning from eating too many bananas include muscle weakness, irregular heartbeat, and nausea. Treatment may involve stopping potassium intake, receiving fluids through IV, and medications to help remove excess potassium from the body.