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Q: How many calories are given up by one gram of 100 degree Celsius steam that condense to 100 degrees Celsius water?
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Does water condense at 0 degree celsius?

Yes, water can condense at 0 degrees Celsius if the surrounding temperature drops below the dew point, which is the temperature at which air becomes saturated with water vapor. If the air is cooled further, the excess moisture will condense into liquid water.

Is temperature measured in calories?

No, temperature is not measured in calories. Temperature is typically measured in degrees Celsius (°C) or degrees Fahrenheit (°F), while calories are units of energy related to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius.

What is colder 17 degree Celsius or 30 degree Celsius?

17 degrees Celsius is colder than 30 degrees Celsius. The lower the temperature in degrees Celsius, the colder it is.

How many degrees colder is -5 degrees Celsius than 1 degree Celsius?

-5 degrees Celsius is 6 degrees colder than 1 degree Celsius.

Which is colder 18 degree Celsius or 20 degree Celsius?

20 degrees Celsius is colder than 18 degrees Celsius.

What is 0.6 degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit?

0.6 degree Celsius = 33.08 degrees Fahrenheit,

What degree Fahrenheit is 0.9 degrees Celsius?

0.9 degrees Celsius is equivalent to 33.62 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is 14 degrees Fahrenheit in degrees Celsius?

14 degree Fahrenheit = -10 degree Celsius

What Fahrenheit degree is minus 24 celsius?

Minus 24 degrees Celsius is equal to -11.2 degrees Fahrenheit.

How does a celsius degree compare to a Fahrenheit degree?

1 degree Celsius equates to 33.8 degrees Fahrenheit.Use this equation to convert degrees Celsius/Centigrade (ºC) to degrees Fahrenheit (ºF): [°F] = [°C] × 1.8 + 32

What is 28 degrees Celsius in ferinheight?

28 degrees Celsius is equal to 82.4 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is equal to zero degree celsius?

0 degrees Celsius is equal to 32 degrees Fahrenheit.