1 calorie is 4.1868 joules. This is referred to (or was when I was at school a long time ago) as the 'mechanical equivalent of heat' and is worth remembering, you can say 4.2 joules to a good approximation.
So 1 kcal = 4,186.8 joules or 4.1868 kjoules if you prefer
1000 calories in one kcal so 1000 is to 1 as x is to 60 = .06 kcal
1 cake contains 120 kcal.
The difference between kcal and cal is 1000 cal = 1 kcal. However, we usually count food calories with kcal, and use kcal and cal interchangeably. Therefore, 9 kcal [Food Calories] = 9 cal. So, to the point: If there are 9 kcal in 1 g of fat, there are 9000 kcal in 1 kg of fat (1 kg = 1000 g).
102 calories :)
There are approximately 7.3 kilocalories (kcal) of energy in 1 mole of ATP.
Mint tea itself has 0 calories 1 teaspoon(5g) of honey - 17 kcal 1 teaspoon(5g) of sugar - 15 kcal In total 32kcal
9 kcal/g
There are about 200 calories in a container of strawberry yogurt.
1 tablespoon of mincemeat contains about 29 calories.
k signifies "multiplied by one thousand", so 1000 calories is one kcal. Note, however, that dietetic "Calories" are already equivalent to kcals. They are actually exactly the same. kcal is kilocalories. Sometimes the term Calories is also used with "C" in uppercase. Both are correct and 1 kcal = 1 Cal. When we loosely say 1 Calorie, actually we mean 1 kilocalorie.