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IU stands for International Unit and is a standard unit of measurement. If you are doing HCG injections, follow the instructions given with the HCG injections to determine how to mix the HCG and load it in to the needle.

If you are using homeopathic HCG drops to do the HCG diet, a dosage of 10 drops, 6 times a day (60 drops per day) is equivalent to a 125 IU dose of the injections. Homeopathic drops work best when given in small dosages frequently throughout the day.

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Q: How much is 125 IU of hCG daily?
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Assuming you have a vial of 5000 iu's, and want to have 125 iu's per dose, follow the following: -add 4 ml's of the water, making a concentration of 1250 iu's per ml. - the tuberculin syringe is one milliliter. it is marked at intervals of one tenth of a milliliter (.1, .2, .3, etc.) A volume of solution of .1 milliliters will be a dose of 125 iu's.

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This vary upon the type of HCG being taken. The simplest way is to divide the amount of cc by 10.

How many cc in 125 IUs?

An international unit (IU) depends on the the substance and there is no general formula for conversion.

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