1 ton Refrigeration = 3026 kCal / hr
In Indian context how much kW equals to one ton (refrigeration)
A ton is 2000 pounds.
Fats: 9.3 kcal/gm Glucose/ carbohydrates: 4.2 kcal/gm Proteins: 5 kcal/gm
The amount of protein (4 kcal/gram), carbohydrate (4 kcal/gram), and fat (9 kcal/gram) that is present.
How to convert kilocalorie to kilograme
The Producers get 1,000 kcal, the First-Level consumers get 100 kcal, Second-level consumers get 10 kcal and Third level gets 1 kcal.
around 2000 kcal
approximately about 200 kcal
1 kcal = 1000 calories = 4 186,8 Joule Female 19-30 - 2 400 (kcal) each day -> 72 000 kcal/month -> 301 449,6 Joule 31-50 - 2 300 (kcal) each day -> 69 000 kcal/month -> 288 889,2 Joule 51-70 - 2 100 (kcal) each day -> 63 000 kcal/month -> 263 768,4 Joule >70 - 1 900 (kcal) each day -> 57 000 kcal/month -> 238647,6 Joule Male 19-30 -3 100 (kcal) each day -> 93 000 kcal/month -> 389372,4 Joule 31-50 - 2 900 (kcal) each day -> 87 000 kcal/month -> 364251,6 Joule 51-70 - 2 600 (kcal) each day -> 78 000 kcal/month -> 326 570,4 Joule >70 - 2 200 (kcal) each day -> 66 000 kcal/month -> 276328,8 Joule a lot of people eat more than they require, that's why there is so much obesity around the world.
1/2 ton of refrigeration