You have walked 0.52 miles in all.
gandhi walked 241 miles
2 Miles
About 4 and 1/2 miles.
114.7 miles
It depends on how fast you walk. If you walk 3 miles/hr for 1 hour you will have walked 3 miles. If you walk at 5 miles/hr for 1 hour you will have walked 5 miles... etc.
The Circumference of the Earth is 24,900 miles. If it were possible to walk in a straight line all around the Earth. Which it is not.
Oliver walked about 70 miles to get to London.
You buy one of those things that track how many steps you walked. Walk for an hour and you got your answer
Tyler walked 29 miles total.
7 days..
Are you kidding? 1.21 miles (see discussion page)