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There is no need to load up on carbs. If you continue to do 100 sit ups each day of the week for a whole week you will get good abs.

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Q: I want to lose 5 lbs this week and I was wondering if carb loading and doing 100 sit-ups each day of the week for one week will make me start to get abs?
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For starters , A sixpack is about bodyfat , if you're bodyfatpercentage is too high you'll never have abs no matter how big the muscles are . Start doing some running or any other sport where you burn lots of calories and add some small abs exercises Do not do hundreds of situps since the situps are one of the least effective ab exercises and also don't train your abs everyday for hundreds of reps , your abs are just like any other muscle , so they do not grow if you do hundreds of reps every day

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Doing 500 situps a day won't do anything for muscle development. All that kind of excessive volume training does, is improving your endurance.Look at it from this perspective: The abdominal acts no different to resistance training, than your chest muscles, or triceps, deltoids, glutes etc. Would you ever Bench press for 500 reps in one day? Hope not..Start doing sets in the range of 3-5, with reps in the 6 - 12 range, WITH resistance, and you will start seeing results.Resistance can be anything from changing the angle, adding weight (weight west e.g.) or simply performing a more difficult abs exercise, such as Dragon flags, Evil wheel, Russian twist, etc.

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